Well I'm almost one month into the diet, and I have my second weigh-in tomorrow. I must admit, I am pretty nervous. I know I made some mistakes since the last one, and I'm just hoping that it doesn't reflect TO much in the numbers. However, I have prepared myself for less than great news. I know that whatever the number is, that's what it is. Whats done is done. Learn and move on. You must remember that when you change your lifestyle this drastically, you might slip up from time to time. It isn't the end of the world. I have realized recently, that the only mistakes, are the things you don't learn from.
Well I guess that's all for now. So again, I love you all, and words cannot express my appreciation for your love and support. Thanks for reading!
Rich Franklin has a cheat day built into his training camp. It's a day that he doesn't give a damn about his diet even though he's cutting weight, this often includes a dozen doughnuts. Don't eat a dozen doughnuts, but just goes to show that it's ok to slip from time to time, just get back on it :)