Diary of a Fat Man

Follow me on my journey to lose 200lbs. You will see it all here: all my victories, and all my defeats. The good, the bad, the ugly

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Transmission #006

First off, I wanna wish all the moms out there a very happy mothers day. I'm lucky enough to have two moms, and they are the greatest mom's in the world.
Unfortunantly, part of mother's day, at least for my family is (cue ominus music) THE BUFFET BRUNCH...This year we went to The Embassy Suites. The buffet had everything a man could want:prime rib, pork loin, amazing desserts...I allowed myself to eat two things: 1 omlet with bell peppers and tomatoes, and fruit. I was alive with pleasure. A few tips for you beautiful people following my drivel: 1. Recruit a scout to survey the buffet, and report back to you on the location of the healthy food (this will be a short conversation). This will allow you to go directly to this food, thus bypassing everything else. 2. Focus on your plate. ONLY your plate. Pay no attention to the giant, cheese filled omlet or the hubcap of prime rib being enjoyed by "the others". Finally, Eat slowly...really slowly...slow enough that people actually comment on it. This will allow you to not only enjoy your bland eggs, but it also lets you stay on the same plate of food for the entirety of the meal.
Anyway, I hope these tips help you in case you encounter a similar situation. Thanks, as always, for all your support.

1 comment:

  1. Good tips! Having someone else scout for you so that can't be tempted is really smart! It's WAY too easy to say "I'll just try a bite" which turns into a plate full of junk. I'll have to use that method next time I get dragged out.
