Diary of a Fat Man

Follow me on my journey to lose 200lbs. You will see it all here: all my victories, and all my defeats. The good, the bad, the ugly

Monday, May 17, 2010

Transmission #011

Sorry I've been gone a few days. Just wasn't in a writing mood. Anyway, I unfortunantly fell off the wagon this passed weekend. However, after reading some stuff on the Nutrisystem website, I have picked myself up, and I am back on track. This little detour has been discouraging, but I realized that these things will happen from time to time. I just need to move on and rededicate myself to health.
On a more positive note, my blood pressure has remained normal. This is the longest that this has happened in at least a year, so it makes me pretty happy. Remember guys: celebrate small victories. When your building your temple, realize the triumph of each brick as it is layed.
As always, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the love and support.


  1. No worries man, most successful diet plans give you wiggle room anyways! Like you said, TODAY you'll eat right, not "I'll eat right every day for the rest of my life", you got this!
